
Teach, Coach, Build a Premium CommunityAll in One Platform

Premiunity is an all-in-one platform for online teaching, coaching and community building. With features like course publishing, video conferencing, group chats and more, Premiunity has everything you need to build a thriving community.

Everything In One Place

Need to host a live meeting, a webinar, or a one-on-one video call with your community members ? Premiunity has got you covered.

No Upfront Cost, Zero Risk

There is no monthly cost to use Premiunity's platform. Launch your courses, build your community without any upfront costs.


Nurture your community's growth. Build a community that is aligned with your values and goals.


Create a vibrant hub with interactive discussions, live events, and educational content.


Transform your community into a sustainable revenue stream. Be in control of your own destiny.


Let thousands of people discover your community. Leverage our powerful tools to grow and expand.

Free or Paid Community? Your Choice.

Premiunity allows you to create a free or paid community. You can choose between yearly, monthly or one-time payment to monetize your community or even start a free community and then switch it to paid when you feel it's the right time.

For Teachers & Creators

All The Tools You Need

Premiunity provides you with all the tools you need to teach online, build a thriving community and monetize your knowledge.

  • Paid Subscription

    Build a sustainable recurring revenue stream while helping your members grow.

  • Course Publishing

    Easily create and publish valuable online courses to teach valuable skills, encourage learning and growth.

  • Video Conferencing

    Easily host live video sessions. Wether you want to host a live Q&A, a workshop or a live course, or just hangout we've got you covered.

  • Group Chats

    Create group chats for your community members to discuss and share ideas. A great way to encourage engagement and collaboration.

  • And More...

    Additional features like resources page to share host community resources, showcase page to let members showcase their projects, plus we are actively taking feedback and adding new features based on your needs.

For Community Members

Engage and Learn in a Thriving Community

As a member, you'll have access to exclusive courses, resources, and a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Showcase your projects, collaborate, learn, and grow together.

  • Exclusive Courses

    Gain access to high-quality, premium resources and courses taught by industry experts to help you grow and succeed.

  • Valuable Resources

    Discover a wealth of resources like codesbases, spreadsheets, templates, e-books, tools, educational materials and more.

  • Collaborative Communities

    Join supportive communities of like-minded individuals to share ideas, ask for help, and grow together.

For Community Members

No Monthly Charges, No Hidden Fees

Launch your community without any upfront costs. For paid communities, Premiunity takes only a small percentage of each transaction. Keep the lion's share of your earnings and reinvest in your growing community.

Ready to get started?

Get started building your community today with zero risk.

What’s included

  • Commununity spaces
  • Course creation tools
  • Video conferencing
  • Group chat
  • Member directory
  • Resources hosting
  • Showcase area
  • Private messaging

Get Started


Create your community

No monthly charges, no hidden fees, no setup fees. We only take 10% when you make a sale.

Join the Premiunity Network

Either you want to learn or share your knowledge with the world, Premiunity is the place to start. Build your community, engage with your audience, and earn from your passion.